We strive to be a church of prayer.
The Prayer Team is a vital ministry here at EHCC. We strive to be a church of prayer. Coming together in prayer encourages us in our lives and the ministry of our church. We would welcome the opportunity to lift your cares, concerns, thanksgiving or praise, in prayer.
The wall chalkboard is a wonderful avenue to write down these requests and express thanks for answered prayers. The prayer room is open to anyone wishing a quiet time of reflection or a time of prayer.
The Prayer Teams meets every second Sunday of the month at 9:30 AM. They pray for one another, our members, neighbours, community, country and world. They would love to have the privilege of praying with or for you. Submit a prayer request, or join us Sunday morning in the prayer room.
If you have a prayer request, it will be sent directly to our Prayer Team facilitator who will then share your request. Contact us at office@easthillcommunity.com
Prayer Team Ministry Facilitator: Michelle Crum