A relationship building program
created just for girls!

GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour) is a relationship building program created just for girls! We invite all kinds of girls, with all kinds of backgrounds to join! At GEMS you will experience God’s love, learn about the Bible, make new friends, play games, do badge work, and sing songs. Plus, there’s crafts and great snacks too!

The GEMS program is for girls grades 1-5, and meets here at EHCC every second Thursday @ 6:00-7:30pm from September 12 – May 1. See our ‘Calendar of Events’ for upcoming club nights and special events.

Here is a copy of our 2024/2025 Schedule:

Our GEMS program is part of a larger GEMS organization under Dynamic Youth Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church, which you can learn more about here at

GEMS Ministry Leader: Courtney deJong